Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kashipur has several activities like conducting frontline demonstration of proven technologies of farmers fields in Agriculture and its allied sectors in order to circulate them at gross root level. KVK has also a mandate to conduct on farm trials (OFT) of technologies at farmers fields and receive feed back from the farmers of their refinement if required. KVK, U.S.Nagar (Kashipur) has successfully implemented various activites directly benefiting the farming community by conducting multifarious extension activities like organizing skill-imparting training programmes, frontline demonstration, on-farm-trials, exhibitions, field days , TSP project etc. with information technology in KVK selected villages.
Training is one of the most important activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Training is planned according to the need of farmers and systematic efforts are made to increase the knowledge, improves the skill and change the attitude of farmers/farm women. Depending upon the need and categories of trainees, Krishi Vigyan Kendra imparts mainly following three types of trainings
(a) Training to the practicing farmers and farm women
(b) Training to the rural youth
(c) Training programme for the extension functionaries
KVK also establishes functional linkages with line department of district and actively participates in joint activites for technology dissemination like exhibitions, field days, seminars, Kisan melas and also contributes in mass media, publishing popular articles and extension literature. It also conducts village surveys for assessing the technological gaps and training needs of farmers, rural youth and farm women and offers technical guidance to needy farmers through field visits for widespread dissemination of technologies and advancement.
KVK, U.S.Nagar (Kashipur) is giving emphasis on cluster demonstration of lentil (PL-8) chick pea, vegetable production technology, nutrition garden, value added soybased product composite culture.
कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र, काशीपुर द्वारा माह अप्रैल से जून माह में केन्द्र एवं केन्द्र के बाहर 03 प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें कुल 69 प्रशिक्षणार्थीयों ने प्रतिभाग किया। यह प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम खाद्य पदार्थ के प्रसंस्करण एवं मूल्यर्वधन, स्वच्छ दुग्ध उत्पादन एवं धान के बीज उपचार विषय पर आयोजित किये गयें।
केन्द्र के मत्स्य वैज्ञानिक डा0 एस0 के0 शर्मा द्वारा मत्स्य पालन पर तकनीकी मार्ग दर्शन देते हुए 10 प्रदर्शनों का आयोंजन किया गया एवं केन्द्र की गृह वैज्ञानिक डा0 प्रतिभा सिंह द्वारा पोषण वटिका को बढावा देने के उद्देश्य से 50 प्रदर्शन ग्राम ढाकी एवं ग्रामबन्नाखेडा में आयोजित किये गये। महिलाओं को पौष्टिक सब्जी उत्पादन एवं प्रतिदिन उपयोग करने हेतु पे्ररित किया गया। आग्रिम पंक्ति प्रदर्शन हेतु 30 कृषको का चयन भिण्डी , मिर्च, बैगन सब्जी के प्रदर्शनो के लिये किया गया।
कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र, काशीपुर द्वारा प्रधान मंत्री फसल बीमा योजना के अन्र्तगत एक दिवयीय गोष्ठी का आयोजन किच्छा में किया गया जिसमें माननीय सांसद श्री भगत सिंह कोशियारी जी ने कुषकों को सम्बोधित कर इस योजना के लाभ लेने हेतु जागरुक किया माननीय विद्यायक श्री राजेश शुक्ला जी ने भी प्रधान मंत्री बीमा लाभदायक बताते हुए कृषकों का इसे अपनाने हेतु प्रेरित किया। केन्द्र के प्रभारी अधिकारी डा0 सी0 तिवारी ने इस योजना से कृषकों को अवगत कराया और बताया कि फसल बीमा कृषकों की फसलों से जुडंे जोखिम से होने वाले नुकसान से रक्षा करने का माध्यम है। इसके द्वारा किसानो को अचानक आये आपदा से होने वाले नुकसान की भरपाई की जाती है।
केन्द्र के वैज्ञानिको द्वारा 5 किसान गोष्ठीयों में प्रगतिभाग किय गया। जिसमें 367 कृषक लाभन्वित हुए। गोष्ठियो का आयोजन एन0 एम0 एम0 ई 0 एच0, किसान विकास क्लब, जिला उद्यान अधिकारी आदि द्वारा किया गया। केन्द्र के वैज्ञानिको द्वारा 95 प्रक्षेत्र भ्रमण जनपद उधमसिंहनगर के ग्रामों में किये गए इसमें 482 कृषक (महिला/पुरुष) लाभान्वित हुए। प्रक्षेत्र भ्रमण छत्तरपुर, बन्नाखेडा,आन्दखेडा, भोगपुर, बिढोश, कुण्ड,ोरा, बीरपुर, दरऊ, खरसामा खानपुर, मेहराजगंज आदि में किया गया।
केन्द्र के वैज्ञानिको द्वारा दो शोध पत्र प्रकाशित किये गए एवं 10 बार केन्द्र की गतिव्धिियाँ विभिन्न समाचार पत्रों में प्रकाशित हुई।
मूगँफली फसल उत्पादन विषय पर ग्राम छत्तरपुर में प्रक्षेत्र दिवस का आयोजन दि0 6.6.16 किया गया। जिसमें पन्तनगर विश्वविद्यालय के निदेशक प्रसार शिक्षा डा0 वाई0 पी0 एस0 डाबास एवं निदेशक अनुंसंधान शोध डा0 जे0 पी0 सिंह द्वारा कृषको को मूगँफली उत्पादन की तकनीकी जानकारी प्राप्त करने एवं गर्मी के धान के विकल्प के रुप में उगाने के लिये मार्ग दर्शन किया गया। इस अवसर पर डा0 सी0 तिवारी ने कृषकों को उत्पादन तकनीकी एवं अर्थिकी से अवगत कराया।
दि0 9.6.16 को ग्राम आन्नदखेडा-1 एवं 20.6.16 को ग्राम ढाकी में ट्राइबल सब प्लान योजना के अन्र्तगत कृषि यंत्र फावडा, खुरपी, इत्यादि का विवरण कर कृषको को उपयोग करने हेतु जानकारी दी।
Dr. S.K.Sharma, SMS (Fisheries) received young scientist Awards in the field of fisheries science from GUARD society and ZMD educational society, TELANGANA.
Seminar / Workshop / Conference / Training Courses Attended
S.N. | Subject | Date & Duration | Organizing body |
1 | Women empowerment and gender sensitization | 12.7.16 to 15.7.16 (4 days) | EEI, Nelokhari |
2 | Quality empowerment in production of Basmati rice for export | 13.7.16 | KVK, Kashipur |
3 | Training on write shop for success stories | 30.6.16 to 23.6.16 | ICAR, IISWC, Dehradun |
4 | Training | 8.7.16 | ATARI, Kanpur |
5 | Extension methodology for fisheries personnels | 27-30 July | Ext. training institute, Nilokheri, Haryana |
6 | SAC Meeting | 27.7.16 | KVK Kashipur |
7 | ICAR short course on ICT Application for Ag. Ext. | 25.9.16 to 3.9.16 | NARAM Hyderabad |
8 | Reviw meeting of Pulses | 8.9.16 | ATARI, Kanpur |
9 | Zonal workshop at IISR Lucknow | 26-28 May, 2016 | ATARI, Kanpur |
Field Experience Training held at KVK w.e.f. 8-28 February, 2016
Six Scientist (FET) in village Bannakhera
Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) commonly known as peanut is widely grown as an oilseed crop. In the existing cropping pattern farmers are practicing the cultivation of
Rice | Vegetable Pea | S. Rice | |
Rice | Wheat | Rice | |
Rice | Vegetable Pea | Sugarcane ratoon | S. Rice |
Current crop cultivation practices in rice-wheat systems degrade the soil and water resources thereby threatening the sustainability of the system & encourage inappropriate land and input uses. It can be concluded that large scope exist to improve groundnut production and consumption for food uses in rural areas of district U.S.Nagar of Uttarakhand. Groundnut contributes importantly to household food and nutritional security. After harvesting of rabi crop, introduction of short duration legumes in summer may contribute to higher yields of kharif rice as the residues of leguminous crop decompose quickly and releases nutrients. Groundnut cultivation promotes soil health, reduces fertilizer requirement, low input and short duration crop. Finally, the technologies should find its way to the farmers fields, which is the ultimate goal of our endeavours.
Parameter | Groundnut (TG37A) | S.Rice |
Yield (q/ha) | 35 | 82 |
Cost of Cultivation (Rs/ha) | 21,000 | 40,000 |
Gross Return (Rs/ha) | 88,500 | 85,000 |
Net Return (Rs/ha) |
A nutrition week was organized in different blocks of district U.S.Nagar from 1-6 September, 2014 in which scientific interaction was held to enhance the knowledge of farm women towards low cost nutritious food products. Various value added soy products such as soy milk, soy namkeen, soy halwa, soy salad, soy paneer etc were method demonstrated and exhibited to popularize the nutritious food item among women. Technical literature related to dehydration of green leaves, storage techniques and recipes etc were provided to them. Health status of the farm women was assessed through BMI and MUAC.
Three days exposure visit to Karnal was organized by KVK, Kashipur from 21-23 Feb, 2015. Two subject Matter Specialist along with 20 farmer from various villages such as Dhaki, Banskhedi, Brahmnagar, Harinagar, shanitipuri, sitarganj, Panderi etc. of Udham Singh Nagar Uttarakhand visited Institution in the field of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry at Karnal, CSSRI, SBI, DWR & NDRI. These were visited to enhance the performance level & better management of Agricultural system. As a component of capacity building exposure visit has act as an important intervention to improve farmers competencies and increase in productivity with a purpose to accurate the rate of agricultural development.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kashipur participated in farmers fair organized by GBPUAT, Pantnagar (October, 2014 and March, 2015) and a three days kisan mela was organized by Danik Jagran at Rudrapur from 22-24 February, 2015 inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Harish Rawat, Uttarakhand State. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kashipur had put up stall and exhibited latest technologies and advancement talking place in the field agriculture and allied sector for wider dissemination of technology. Such as use of revolving stool for milking to reduce drudgery among farm women and crop production techniques in pulse crop and cereal crops. Awareness was also created on cultivation of groundnut during summer season in place of summer rice. District Magistrate and Chief Development Officer, Rudrapur visiting the stall during fair.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kashipur under the concept of minimal processing unit is organizing trainings and providing technical information and guidance to rural women on processing and packing of spices,preservation techniques, bakery related etc. Processing of spices at domestic level is attracting women and they are feeling motivated to start this as home based enterprise. Under the minimal processing unit, established at Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) funded by ICAR, women are being trained and given method demonstration on grinding through grinding machine and finally packing them. They are being trained and encouraged for processing of turmeric (haldi) and coriander through grinding machine, technical knowledge on packaging and information on marketing of the same is also provided. KVK has conducted several training programmes on processing of haldi and coriander, biscuit/ cake making, processing and preservation techniques etc in which rural women have participated and gained technical know how. Field visits were also made for awareness generation among women on processing of spices for income generation. Following items/ equipments have been procured under minimal processing unit.
During the year 2015-16 and 2016-17 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kashipur has selected tribal village Audhli, Sitarganj block for carrying out extension activities. In this village, detailed survey of the village revealed that tribal farm women of this village grow turmeric and they do no-get the optimum price of the same. Scientist have also conducted field visit which created awareness among women on processing of turmeric for income generation. They have been guided on cultivation aspect of turmeric production to enhance the yield. In this context, two farm women namely Sunita Devi and Rajnandni contacted Dr. Pratibha Singh, SMS, Home Science and gained technical information on processing of turmeric. This technique attracted these women and then they started processing of turmeric as an income generation enterprise at village level. Thereafter, these farm women processed and preparaed 5Q turmeric packets in 250 g, 500 g and 1 kg pack size for sale purpose. Their group has exhibited turmeric packets and these packets were launched by the Hon’ble Governor K.K.Paul, Uttarakhand during 100th All India Farmers Fair at GBPUA&T, Pantnagar during 17 th to 20th October, 2016. This resulted in monetary benefit and popularization of the turmeric packets prepared by the farm women of Audhli Village. This entrepreneurial activity helped in